From the 3rd International Symposium for Cerebral Palsy and Brain-Injured Child
Effects of Pressurized Oxygen in Acute Brain Insult
- Reduces cerebral edema & ICP
- Limits the ischemic cascade
- Reduces CNS lactate peak in hypoxia
- Neutralizes toxic amines
- Deaggragation of platelets
- Increases Phagocytic activity of PMN cells (white blood cells)
- Reduces Adhesiveness of WBCs to endothelium
- Perfuses all tissues spaces
- Life sustaining O2 available via retrograde perfusion in absence of a trickle phenomena
- Delivers metabolically available O2 without chemical energy transfer – Enough to sustain life without blood
- Under pressure O2 adheres to all the gas laws of physics
- Displaces all other gases in the body: N2, CO
- Follows the Law of Mass Action
- Completely saturates hemoglobin
- Increases plasma O2 by 2000%
- Dissolves in cerebrospinal fluid, lymph, bone, and urine

Effects of Pressurized Oxygen in Chronic Brain Insult
- Reactivates idling neurons
- Enhances plasticity
- Efficiently elevates diffusional driving force for O2 thereby increasing tissue oxygen availability
- Promotes phagocytosis (internal debridement)
- Ameliorates multiple biochemical changes
- Restores the integrity of the blood brain barrier and cell membranes
- Improves cell respiration, Reduces cell byproducts – cytokines
- Promotes Neovascularization
- Promotes Epithelization
- Acts as scavenger of free radicals
- Bacteriostatic effects, synergizes with certain antibiotics
- Neutralizes certain Toxins: Clostridium, anaerobes
- Stimulates the adaptive immune system, especially in elderly (mice)