Treatment of Ischemic Cerebrovascular Accidents with Hyperbaric Oxygenation

[Lecba ischemickych mozkovych cevnich prihod hyperbaroxii.]

Vnitr Lek 1992 Jul;38(7):645-50 (ISSN: 0042-773X)

Berger J; Emmerova M; Hadravsky M; Kratky M; Vetrovcova J; Berkova E Neurologicka klinika FN Plzen.

The authors present eleven year’s experience with comprehensive treatment of patients who suffered an ischemic cerebrovascular attack. This comprises so-called conventional treatment of cerebrovascular attacks and also hyperbaroxia, i.e. administration of oxygen under high partial pressure. The authors used a therapeutic pressure of 0.2 MPa for 90 minutes in individual exposures. Of 31 treated patients 23 improved, i.e. 76%; eight improved slightly, eight significantly and seven substantially. The condition of the remainder did not change. Hyperbaroxia should therefore be used everywhere where this method is available.

Disclaimer: This content is for informational purposes only and does not replace professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always consult your physician before considering hyperbaric treatments.


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